NOTICE: Monday, 20th November 2023 | Daintree Bio Precinct Ltd (Administrators Appointed) Read the notice here
Far Northern Milling Pty Ltd was formed in 2018 by growers based in Mossman and the Tablelands
The mill acquisition was successfully completed in 2019

Funds were contributed to complete the due diligence process into the acquisition of the existing Mill and the adjoining land from Mackay Sugar Limited. The mill acquisition was successfully completed on 5 July 2019 from which time Far Northern Milling took over full operation of Mossman Mill.

The objectives as a result of the Mill acquisition are to:

  • Establish better alignment of the sugar cane supply chain so that robust feedstock supply arrangements can be established to facilitate the development of projects that will produce higher value products
  • Leverage off the value of the significant existing infrastructure and the land that adjoins the mill to create and enable better alignment of the sugar cane supply chain
  • Develop new energy, storage and transportation infrastructure to enable the development of the "Daintree Bio Precinct"
  • Facilitate projects in the Bio Precinct by augmenting the existing infrastructure with energy, water and transport infrastructure as required
  • Undertake projects which achieve the policy aims of Government including
    • Bio futures and advanced processing projects
    • Creating long term economic security for regional communities
    • Integration of renewable energy and improvement in environmental outcomes Far Northern Milling Management
Sugar is a major industry in Queensland and Australia
Australia's sugar industry produces around 33 million tonnes per annum of Sugar Cane

The sugar cane which is crushed into around 4 to 5 million tonnes per annum of sugar worth around $2.5 billion dollars, mostly through export sales (around 80%). The industry, which is 95% based in Queensland, employs over 16,000 people and supports numerous towns and cities along the eastern seaboard.

Long term challenges
Sugar faces more long-term challenges than most primary industries

It is highly export-oriented, and it exports into markets that are heavily influenced by government policies in the major producing and consuming countries. Demand growth is also constrained by health concerns and opportunities for alternative sweeteners. On the production side, it is constrained by alternative land-use opportunities, by environmental impacts and by ongoing structural issues in its supply chain.

Recently the industry has experienced difficulties and depressed market prices due to:

  • Increased production while consumption is actually reducing
  • Offshore government incentives to produce regardless of market prices
  • A switch to sugar-free products
  • Introduction of sugar taxes in many of Australia's key markets
Historic gallery
The Mossman Mill has been crushing cane since 1897. Have a look back at the history of our mill in our photo gallery.
Mossman Mill
Mossman in Far Northern Queensland is one of the original sugar towns with a long heritage of sugar cane and milling.
Daintree Bio Precinct
Daintree Bio Precinct Ltd was formed as the parent entity to which grower investors will hold shares.
Who we are
Our Board of Directors have in excess of 100 years of experience of Sugarcane farming and Mill management.

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